
Anyone wishing to join Keston Men’s Club should send an email to They will subsequently receive an invitation to meet a committee member at the Club.

An annual subscription of £10 is payable on 1st January each year. New members will pay a pro rata subscription in their first year.

The current charges for hiring the Clubroom for playing or practising snooker, or any other purpose, are as follows:

Length of hireCost
0 to 30 minutes£2.00
30 to 60 minutes£4.00
60 to 90 minutes£6.00
90 to 120 minutes£8.00
120 to 150 minutes£10.00
150 to 180 minutes£12.00
Visitors pay £2.00 per visit

Details and amounts due are entered into a register and payments are made online to the Club’s bank account as soon as possible after playing. There are no opening hours as such and no steward.

All playing sessions are booked online in advance through the booking system on the Club’s website.