General Information
The date the club was founded is a little vague, but it moved to its present location around 1935...
The date the club was founded is a little vague, but it moved to its present location around 1935...
Keston Men’s Club is sad to announce the death of Peter Anderson. Peter was a stalwart of the club, both as a fine playing member, as evidenced by the honours board, and as a committee member, on which he served as Treasurer until as recently as 2014.
He will be sorely missed by the Club and all those who knew him.
This year’s AGM will be held at the club on Thursday, 27 April at 8 pm. All members are encouraged to attend the meeting, particularly as we are looking to get new Committee members.
Keston Men’s Club is sad to announce the passing of Dennis Raishbrook. Dennis joined the club in the early 1970s and served on the Committee and as Chairman for many years, eventually standing down in 2021 aged 90. His selfless dedication to the Club over the decades epitomised the man he was, and he will be greatly missed by all those who were fortunate enough to have known him.
Work on the toilet refurbishment is taking longer than anticipated. It is hoped that this will be completed soon.
The Club will be closed all day on Wednesday, 15th December to allow the table to be recovered.
Work will begin on refurbishing the toilet area at the Club on Wednesday, 6th October, and is expected to take two weeks to complete. Snooker can continue to be played during this time, but please note that the toilet facilities will be out of use until the renovation is complete.
The next step on the Government’s path out of lockdown is due to be no earlier than 12 April, when indoor leisure facilities such as gyms will reopen but only for use by people on their own or in household groups. Accordingly, the snooker club will reopen from 12 April, but only for members playing on their own or with other people from the same household group.
The table should be booked through the web site as usual and if you are playing on your own the rate is £1 per hour.
Subs for 2021 are now due. Please see the Member’s Page for information regarding payment. Although the snooker Club will be shut for a significant part of the year, subs still need to be paid in full as they cover the fixed annual cost that the Club has to pay in rent. As agreed at the AGM, they have also been reduced to a flat rate of £10 for all members.
Following the government announcement last week, a number of members have asked when the club will reopen. As you will see from the information below, the answer to this question is not yet clear.
Government guidance
EPSB (English Partnership for Snooker and Billiards) guidance:
So, based upon this information, it seems likely that 17 May will be the earliest date that the club will be able to reopen.
Following yesterday’s announcement that Greater London is to move into Tier 3 restrictions from midnight tonight, we have been forced to close the club once again. It will remain closed until further notice.